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Friday, April 4, 2008

The Previous Post

Yeah. If anyone actually read this, I probably would have felt a little bad about the stupid previous post... the one with the picture of my keyboard (oh boy, a nice Logitech Wave keyboard and my iMac!) and a nonsense message.

But you have to realize, the reason for it was because it's taken me almost 2 days to figure out how the heck to get my stupid Blackberry email to stop appending "Sent from (horrible mobile phone company whose name sounds suspiciously like P-mobile) Blackberry" to my phone-to-blog messages... which made it really embarrassing to post anything.

Finally I figured it out, and that's the exciting and thrilling keyboard-n-iMac photo you see there. Aren't you thrilled? I know I am. So, what does this mean for you?

Absolutely nothing. Namely because there are no "you" reading this... at least none that I know of. So I'm pretty much talking to myself here... slow day, I guess.


Michael Lepore said...

Oh sure. You think twitter is irritating. You should try reading longer blog posts that someone posts because they feel like it.

Anyway there is a "you" - or at least a "me" reading.

David said...

Yeah, but like I said... this is one big, lump sum of pretentiousness. Kind of like a digest version of pretentiousness.

It's much easier to handle this way!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm reading too! Your sense of humor makes me giggle!