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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile... Just... not Quite so Unlimited

So, I have a plan with AT&T Wireless that includes unlimited mobile-to-mobile minutes. Awesome, I thought, now I can call other AT&T mobile people and not get charged. Great! All the stuff on the web says it - unlimited mobile-to-mobile with other AT&T customers, yada yada. Cool!

Come to find out what they don't tell you on the website, or anywhere other than hidden in the written contract somewhere (I didn't ask them to re-send it, I don't care enough), is that during nights and weekends, they pull the minutes from your Night and Weekend pool first ... so what this means for the unsuspecting caller is that if you make a bazillion night and weekend calls even to another AT&T Wireless customer, and you don't have an unlimited night and weekend plan (I don't, for example), it'll blow through your limited night and weekend minutes.

Then, later, when you make a night and weekend call to someone who's not on a cell phone and expect it to be free, since it's coming from your night-and-weekend pool, it costs money because you blew through your pool with the "unlimited" mobile-to-mobile.

Luckily, this didn't burn me - I have 5000 night and weekend minutes and usually only burn through about 3500 in any given month. But, if I'd wasted them all and then been charged, I would have been pretty annoyed. In fact, it's still pretty annoying; they should have this on their website clearly announced that "unlimited mobile to mobile is only charged if and only if the call doesn't occur on a night/weekend time period."

Pretty lame. Then again, that's what mobile companies do these days - dick you over and mislead you. Fun fun.

Anyway, a lot of people probably knew this, and it's probably already common knowledge and I'm one of the few who didn't know - but for those who didn't realize it (all 3 of you reading), just make sure to check your minute usage on your cellphone bills to make sure you're not burning through your night and weekend minutes accidentally.

Thanks, AT&T Wireless! You rule!

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